Body: Abachi, 2-piece Neck: Maple with 9.5” Color: Black Vibrato: Steel block vibrato Tuners: Kluson double-line Aging: Heavy Pickguard: 3-Ply mint green Switch: 5-way switch oak grigsby Pots: 250 K, CTS Pickups: Apollo Pickups S-style 50's alnico 5 Weight: 3.2 Kg
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Body: Abachi, 2-piece Neck: Maple with 9.5” Color: Black Vibrato: Steel block vibrato Tuners: Kluson double-line Aging: Heavy Pickguard: 3-Ply mint green Switch: 5-way switch oak grigsby Pots: 250 K, CTS Pickups: Apollo Pickups S-style 50's alnico 5 Weight: 3.2 Kg